Friday, May 1, 2015

The Drug Mule Case. #MisterJuanInDubaiReacts

Social Media has been flooded of the posts and news about the Filipina that was saved from being executed in Indonesia.

After the announcement of the reprieve, the Family states that the Philippine Government should not get any credit as the masses were responsible for it. The Mother even said that now that they are back in the country, they will be asking the government of what is due for this situation and will not back out to any amicable requests from the government.

The President, in response to her statement said that they did not create this problem before hand and efforts should now focus on bringing in the real minds of this crime.

I have not been in this situation and pray to never be in one.

But now, the reactions are just not worthy of any reprieve. First, they blame the government for the hard life they are having; pushing the victim to take the risk for a good amount of money. Second, they couldn't even bring in the recruiter that was pointed since 2010 and they have the audacity to not give credit to the right people. Third, the government had them flown to Indonesia together with some lawyers to check the victim's condition amidst the lack of evidence that she is innocent of bringing in illegal drugs. Forth, the family speaks foul words regarding the government's efforts in saving the victim's life.

Here is what I think.

A crime is a crime. They have laws, we have laws. If our laws do not comply to theirs, we cannot do anything about it. If we are too relax of our laws, it is our problem. If the other countries are strict, they have the right to be darn strict. These laws govern them.

Our Kabayan was caught red handed with drugs. Either it be a case of Human Trafficking or she had known this, the drugs were brought in inside her luggage. She can't deny the fact that the drugs were brought in her luggage. This is a fact that the Philippine Government cannot deny and will never neglect. No Matter how much we plead for her release, it is their laws that govern them, not by familiarity or association.

But after all the efforts, who should get the credit for the reprieve? The Philippine Government? The Masses? The Family? The Indonesian Government?

If the execution was pushed through, what would they say? For sure, it will not be a silent moment for the family. But after the reprieve, still peace is not found.

Filipino's are not stupid. Some may be desperate but I am sure she is not stupid. She knew what she was doing. This is why she is facing this head-on. She is a strong woman and I commend her for facing this like the hero that she is for her family.

As for the mom: Ma'am, I am very happy that the reprieve is given and the life of your daughter was spared. But keep in mind that it doesn't mean that she is free. If the Indonesian Government will allow, she will be used as a witness against syndicates that do Drug-Human Trafficking. This means that her life may be spared but it is not anymore safe. Even your own life is not safe. You can be the syndicate's target. Your life might be in danger. So fill yourself up with gratitude and keep it together. If nothing good comes out of your mouth about what the government has done for your daughter, they might not be doing anything for you in the future.

Let's keep on praying.



#MisterJuanInDubai #JuanIThink


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